Monday 2 October 2017

Benefits of Installing Solar Panels in Your Home and Net Metering

Homeowners who want to make their houses energy efficient can opt to install solar panels in their home. Installing solar panels is a clean and sustainable method for generating electricity. Solar panels use sunlight as an energy source and convert it into electricity. The solar panels are connected to a circuitry which converts sunlight into electricity. If you install solar panels in your home, you will not only make your house energy efficient but also reduce your electricity bills as well as you will be able to observe a significant reduction in your annual energy bill.

Moreover, by installing solar panels, you will be able to reduce your dependency on the traditional energy resources (electricity generated by burning fossil fuels) and contribute in protecting the environment. Thus, by installing solar panels in your home, you will be able to make your home energy efficient, reduce your energy bill by reducing your dependency on electricity supplied in the traditional manner and also carry out your responsibility towards nature. However, when you install solar panels in your home, you must also understand the basic features of ‘Net Metering’ associated with solar energy. To help you do so, some facts about Net Metering have been explained in the following section.

Net Metering

If you check out the Shams Dewa project in the UAE, you will understand the fundamental requirement of Net Metering is to connect homes and buildings that have solar panels installed. Through Net Metering, the buildings that generate solar electricity are connected to an electrical grid. Some of the features of Net Metering are as follows:

· Through Net Metering, if your home generates excess electricity, then you will not have to pay for the extra electricity. Instead, you can consume the extra kilowatts of electricity in the succeeding month. Net Metering reduces wastage of electricity.

· Through Net Metering, you will have to pay for only the units of electricity consumed.

Thus, Net Metering is a cost-effective and efficient solution, if you are thinking of increasing your dependency on electricity generated from solar power. Moreover, with NET Metering, you can ensure that energy is not wasted.

Monday 4 September 2017

Different ways in which solar energy can benefit people

Whether you run a business, manage a municipal building, or own a home, installing solar energy panels on the property can give a lot of benefits. Solar panels are a great way to reduce the environmental impact by providing clean energy to your home, counterbalance energy costs, and offer a host of other advantages such as contributing to energy independence and supporting local businesses.

Take a glance at some of the notable benefits that solar energy panels offer:

  • The main advantage of solar energy is instant electricity bill savings. No matter how small your installation is, you can start seeing the difference in the bills from the day one. Even though sunny days will produce more solar energy, solar panels will carry on drawing energy even if cloudy weather prevails. Diffused or indirect sunlight will still help to power your home. Cloudy days typically produce around ten to twenty percent of the power generated on sunny days.
  • Apart from helping you to save on electricity bills, solar panels can also generate passive income. To encourage solar energy adoption, a number of incentives are provided.
  • A solar powered home also becomes a high-valued property so that whenever you have to sell your home, you get a higher price for the property.
  • As more properties across the country are installing solar panels, the nation moves closer to a clean economy powered by the Sun. The benefits of this transition are too many, listed below are a few:
Due to cleaner water, soil, and air, you can expect better health.
Due to decline in imported fuel, you can get greater energy security.
Through the creation of green jobs, you can expect stronger economic growth.
The decline in greenhouse gas emissions leading to a safer environment.

Thus, solar energy does not only benefit the property owner but almost everyone. 

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority’s (DEWA) Shams Dubai solar program is established on the standard of ‘net metering’ which allows customers to install solar panels to generate power and to reduce utility bills every month. The main benefit of this is that clients stay connected to DEWA’s network, thus combining the round-the-clock dependability of a grid connection with the lesser costs of a solar system.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Ways in which solar power generating companies are helping save the environment in Dubai

Being one of the most popular trade centers, Dubai is home to numerous industries. Therefore, renewable energy companies in Dubai have a good number of positive roles to play in the life of the inhabitants of Dubai.

Global warming has become an alarming issue in today’s world. Electricity production and coal-fired power plants are mainly responsible for this issue. On the other hand, renewable energy companies don’t produce any harmful gases that can cause global warming. These companies don’t cast any destructive effect on our nature. If the demand and supply of renewable energy sources is increased, it would automatically replace energy sources that emit carbon-dioxide. 

· Fumes emitted from coal and natural gas plants result in several issues such as, breathing problems, heart attacks, skin disease, neurological damage and obviously cancer. If fossil fuels can be replaced by renewable energy sources, it will be more beneficial for public health.

· Renewable energy sources use wind, solar radiation, and hydroelectric systems to generate electricity. They don’t have any negative impact on our nature. It does not require water to operate. So, it does not pollute the water resources. In contrast, both coal mining and natural gas pollute various sources of drinking water.

· Renewable energy companies need sunny skies, strong winds, ample of green plants, heat from the earth, and fast-moving water to produce energy. All these sources of renewable energy always help the companies to provide demanded electricity throughout the whole country.

· The renewable energy industry provides more opportunities for jobs and recruitment. People get several jobs on part-time or full-time basis. The area of job includes manufacturing, installation, project development, sales, operations and maintenance, construction and turbine installation, transportation and logistics, and legal, financial, and consulting services.

Providing all the above mentioned benefits, Siraj Power has established itself as one of the leading renewable energy companies in Dubai.

Thursday 3 August 2017

Business Organizations should switch to Solar Power for its many Benefits

Commercial centres, manufacturing units, offices and factories consume copious amounts of electricity on a daily basis. Managements of electricity supplying companies mention that they earn maximum revenue, by supplying power to factories and manufacturing units. Thus, in order to reduce global dependency on fossil fuels, it is important to switch to clean energy sources like solar power. This will also help in reducing atmospheric pollution. The burning of fossil fuels result in the release of noxious fumes into the Earth’s atmosphere. If commercial organizations can reduce their dependency on fossil fuels, for power supply, it can effectively help reduce environmental pollution. Additionally, the companies also can become energy efficient by opting to purchase electricity from solar power companies. Some of the methods by which commercial organizations can help the environment, by switching to solar energy have been discussed below.

Benefits of Solar Energy

Business organizations opting to purchase electricity from solar power supplying firms are not required to pay any establishment expenses. The companies dealing in solar energy will be responsible for setting up the solar panels. All you have to do is pay for the kilowatt of electricity consumed. The electricity generated from these panels will be supplied through a grid to your business centre, manufacturing unit or factory. Some other benefits of switching to solar power are as follows:

· A company supplying solar energy in Dubai mentions that companies too can become energy efficient, by switching to solar energy.

· The extra electricity generated from the solar panels is used to power batteries. This electricity is then sent into the grid and the energy expenses are adjusted accordingly in the monthly energy bill.

· Your company does not have to pay for the maintenance of the solar panels. These expenses incurred in maintaining the panels are borne by the supplier. Thus, switching to solar energy can prove to be a cost effective solution for most business organizations.

So if you are thinking of making your firm energy efficient and want to reduce your company’s energy expenses, you can definitely consider switching to solar energy. 

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Save huge amount on electricity bills by installing solar panels in your home

In recent years, the energy consumption in both residences and commercial places has seen a great rise due to the development of advanced machinery and technologies. From the gadgets to appliances we use energy (I.e. electricity) for day to day activities. This high consumption leads to the scarcity of electricity, adding to more and more utilization of natural resources on the earth, adding to electricity bills. There is only one best alternative solution for all these problems which is installing the solar panels to your home.

The solar power implementation is easy and it has a lot of benefits that will help you to cut down your electricity expense as well as lessen the burden on the environment. The benefits of installing solar power system in your home are:

Free source of energy
To create electricity through solar panels we have a free resource which is sun. Depending upon the amount of sunlight you receive through the day you can produce electricity for daily use. Also, the saved excess power in the battery storage can be used during the night time. Also, the sun is not patented or commercialized, where you don’t need to pay any bill to make use of reliable sunlight rays.

Save the huge amount of money
Apart from the upfront costs to install solar panels, there are no monthly or utility bills needed to pay to use solar energy.

Subsidies and incentives
To preserve energy and global warming, the government has initiated several subsidies and incentives to motivate the people who are concerned about switching cost of electricity to solar power.

Sell and earn the excess energy

When you install a solar panel and generate excess energy, you can actually sell it to make the real cash. Sell energy that you don’t use and receive cash instead of paying the electricity bill. This is a best financial investment which gives better returns forever.

There are many renewable energy companies in Dubai which help the UAE residents to save on their electricity bill by installing the solar panels in their homes at an affordable cost. Take control of your energy future and start saving by installing a solar panel in your home.

Tuesday 23 May 2017

Solar Power - Making Way For a Greener and Cleaner Tomorrow

Solar energy is the one-stop solution to our energy needs and requirements. Nowadays, solar energy companies in Dubai and various other parts of the world are providing solar solutions for both commercial and industrial premises.

Image - Source

Two revolutionary technological advancements in solar industry

• Bio-Cells – Though it is yet to compete at the level of PV Cells, researchers are continuously experimenting to advance this technology.

• Conversion of Light to Electricity – Studies have shown, artificial photosynthesis machines can convert sunlight into energy and store it for future consumption too.

The Change in direction

The primal challenge for solar scientists has been the accumulation of power. People are aware of photovoltaic cells, but the cost of solar panels has for long side-lined it as a luxury commodity. For many years, the cost of these panels which is measured per inches and its inefficient returns had made it economically impracticable.

The situation has changed towards a positive direction now. In between the period of 2008 and 2013, the cost of solar panels severely dropped by almost 50 percent. The last two years have also seen a decline in the price. This has led to a more frequent adoption of solar energy for powering homes and industries. Solar Energy Companies utilized this demand to their advantage and started providing a wide-range of solar services. It has been estimated that the cost of these panels is likely to fall to increase its overall energy contribution up to 20% by the year 2027. This change in the direction of solar power was unimaginable a few years ago.

So, if you too are keen on using solar energy, you can contact the companies that have expertise in providing customizes solutions.

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Why homeowners should consider Installing Solar Panels?

Management of companies involved in developing renewable sources of energy mention that homeowners often prefer to install solar panels in their houses to make their residences energy efficient. Utilizing solar power, to create electricity is slowly gaining popularity amongst homeowners. If you want to reduce your energy bill and at the same time carry out your responsibility towards protecting the environment, then you can definitely switch to solar power. Some of the reasons behind the growing importance of solar power for residences have been discussed below.

Utility of Solar Power for Residences

If you are looking for renewable energy companies in Dubai, then check online for a company that will install solar panels in your house and also set up the circuitry, which will convert solar energy to electricity and power the equipment in your house. Some of the utilities of installing solar panels in your house are as follows:

· You will be able to reduce the energy bill of your house significantly. The solar panels will generate sufficient electricity, to power most of the electrical appliances in your home.

· If you switch to solar power, then indirectly you will be reducing your dependency on fossil fuels, to generate power. This will help reduce environmental pollution.

· Solar panels do not require extensive maintenance. It requires one-time investment, which is inclusive of purchasing and installing the solar panels in your house. However, the investment can be quickly realized, as your energy bill will reduce significantly. Hence, installing solar panels is a cost efficient method for generating electricity.

Thus, if you want to switch to a renewable source of energy then you can definitely consider installing solar panels in your house. Installation of solar panels will not only reduce your energy bill but also protect the environment.